The recorder is a woodwind musical instrument of the family known as fipple flutes or internal duct flutes—whistle-like instruments which include the tin whistle. The recorder is end-blown and the mouth of the instrument is constricted by a wooden plug, known as a block or fipple.[1] It is distinguished from other members of the family by having holes for seven fingers (the lower one or two often doubled to facilitate the production of semitones) and one for the thumb of the uppermost hand. The bore of the recorder is tapered slightly, being widest at the mouthpiece end and narrowest towards the foot on Baroque recorders, or flared almost like a trumpet at
Rupa bentuk Loceng merupakan segugusan loceng kecil yang dipasang pada bingkai. Bingkai berbentuk gelung diperbuat daripada plastik dan loceng-loceng logam kecil diikatkan pada bingkai tersebut. Loceng-loceng ini akan menghasilkan bunyi yang halus dan nyaring apabila digoncang.
Cara memegang dan memainkan loceng :
- Masukkan empat jari ke dalam gelong loceng dan genggam bahagian yang tidak berloceng. Loceng menghasilkan bunyi apabila ia digoncang.
- Genggam pemegang loceng dengan tangan kiri @ kanan. Kemudian ketuk pergelangan tangan kiri dengan tangan kanan yang menggenggam loceng.